Show Dog Overview...
Below are our articles on the subject of Show Dog Overview. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Bringing Home a New Puppy
Plan ahead before you bring your dog home. Will your dog sleep outside in a kennel or in the home. Where in the home will he live?...

Docked Tails and the Law
At this time over 50% of dogs in the UK are docked. This will change in the next year with the introduction of the UK Animal Welfare Bill and will have far reaching…...

Dog Breed Standards
There is a standard blueprint for every breed registered with the Kennel Club. Breeders as a blueprint for producing the best puppies use these standards. Judges also…...

Dog Pedigree Explained
A pedigree is a puppy’s family tree. This will show his parentage and also what awards his ancestors have won. A pedigree will also show health tests and other…...

General Care for Your Show Dog
A show dog is still a family pet and needs bathing, feeding, exercise and parasite control. Choices for the exhibitor are varied whether they follow traditional or…...

Laws Concerning Dogs
There are many laws connected to dogs in the UK, some would say too many. However if you look after your pets, make sure they are tagged correctly, kept on a lead…...

Points of a Dog
Each breed has a unique construction, when this is described many technical words are used when referring to the body parts. These are called ‘points of the dog.’...

Working With Assistance Dogs
Assistance dogs are trained to work with the less able bodied amongst us. These animals are trained from a young age to be the eyes, ears and even hands of the people…...