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Selling Your Puppies

By: Elaine Everest - Updated: 30 Apr 2013 | comments*Discuss
Puppies Kennel Club Puppy List Litter

There are usually lots of people only too keen to buy a sweet fluffy puppy. However you want your puppies to go to homes they will be happy in and live out their lives without fear or neglect. Long before your puppies are due to be born you should be thinking of the right ways in which to sell them.


This is probably the best way of all. Hopefully, you would have been campaigning your bitch around the dog shows and fellow exhibitors will be aware that you are planning a litter. Some may be interested in purchasing a puppy themselves or will pass on your details, if they receive any enquiries.


You may well have quite a few interested purchasers long before the puppies are born. Make a list of these people noting whether they require a dog or a bitch and whether they wish to exhibit. Although it is nice to see puppies carrying your name in the show ring it is more important that they go to a kind, loving home. Hopefully you will have had your bitch scanned so will have an idea of how many puppies are due. Once you have reached this number of names on your list tell the next interested buyers that they are on the reserve list. If they are unfortunate in obtaining one of your puppies it is usual form to pass them onto people you know in the breed who are expecting a litter themselves.

Breed Clubs

Notify the secretary of any breed club you belong to as they quite often keep a puppy list. Remember this may have been the way you found your own puppy that started your new hobby.

Kennel Club

You would have registered your litter when they were born. The Kennel Club offer a service whereby for a small fee your details will be listed and available to prospective buyers either online or by post.

Canine Press

The two canine newspapers, Dog World and Our Dogs both run classified advertisements for puppy sales. Being weekly publications your advertisement will be read quickly and by mainly exhibitors and those interested in purchasing a quality puppy.

Local Newspapers and Free Ads

Try to avoid these at all costs. You will be badgered by all sorts of idiots wanting a cheap puppy. This is the usual place to find puppies from multi-breeders and puppy farms.

Newsagents Windows

Placing a card in a shop window may be cheap but you are highly unlikely to attract the right sort of buyer. After all, would you buy a puppy this way?

The Internet

Beware; there are many Internet websites now that list puppies for sale. Many are selling puppies that are not registered or from a suspicious background. Do you want your breeding to be associated with this sort of place?


Never, under any circumstance give your address when advertising your litter for sale. All too frequently we read of whole litters of puppies being stolen by undesirable people.


When the time comes to show off your new puppies to prospective buyers conduct the interview in a businesslike fashion. Only have in the room the puppies that are available. Above all be prepared to say NO if you do not approve of the buyer – for whatever reason.

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how i ma sell my dog and get a membership in my city
hemant - 26-Dec-12 @ 10:34 AM
I have found lovely homes here in S. Ireland for the last 2 years for my litter of labradoodles using Done Deal. However, this year they've introduced a policy not to accept adverts until the puppies are 2 months old, which makes it impossible to plan ahead and find good, suitable homes for them. I dont want to be left with 3 and 4month old puppies; it takes time to view, particularly when people work during the week...not a good policy
choco - 30-Dec-11 @ 4:26 PM
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