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Where To Buy a Show Dog

By: Elaine Everest - Updated: 26 Nov 2012 | comments*Discuss
Where To Buy A Show Dog

So, you've decided the time is right to purchase your first dog and you intend to dip your toes into the exciting world of dog shows. The first thing you will need is a dog! Fine, your neighbour said her daughter has just mated her Labrador bitch with a friend's dog - they play together so will have nice puppies. But hold on, didn't you spot a card in the newsagent’s window asking for someone to rehome a two year old Boxer dog - you wouldn't need to house train a dog of that age. Then the local newspaper drops through your letterbox, the free ads are advertising a dozen litters of puppies in as many different breeds - one even has six breeds mentioned in the one advert! To give you an even bigger choice your son finds an interesting website called 'cheap puppies dot com.' Who ever do you buy from?

Be Sure of the Dog's Origins

To be brutally honest ignore all of the above - even if you are buying a pet and have no intentions of ever entering a show ring. You need to be assured of the quality and origins of the dog you are purchasing and sadly this is not always possible through the routes listed. No doubt there are genuine breeders amongst the many puppies advertised in free ads and on the Internet but, the term 'buyer beware' comes to mind here. It's better to be sure of what you are buying from day one rather than give your heart to a loveable puppy that may cost you a fortune in vet’s fees and not live for as long as you had hoped.

Buying a dog to show is an investment, the reason we exhibit a dog is to compete against other dogs of a similar age or class in order that the best one that day is the winner. A person wishing to breed from their bitch or use their dog at stud must be able to prove that they have a good specimen to improve the good points of the breed. By showing and winning we can prove we have a good example of our breed.

Check With the Kennel Club

Each breed of dog has at least one club that is affiliated to the UK Kennel Club; these are the people you need to contact in order to find a suitable breeder. The Kennel Club can supply contact numbers for the breed club you require. Committee members of these clubs have dedicated many years to their chosen breeds and have a wealth of knowledge that they are pleased to share with anyone wanting to own their breed of dog. Clubs normally hold a list of reputable breeders and can also advise you on who has puppies for sale. Although each club cannot vouch for each breeder they will be able to point prospective purchasers in the right direction.

The Kennel Club has its own puppy register where unsold puppies are advertised. Unfortunately anyone who has registered a litter of puppies can sell their puppies through this system and it is a not a guarantee of quality. A new system has been introduced called the Accredited Breeder Scheme and it is hoped this will encourage a better breeding system where by owners will health check prospective breeding stock and give a better service to prospective buyers.

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